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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Haq Attaq

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags haQ attaQ looks back on 14 years of iOS music making in its new documentary

haQ attaQ looks back on 14 years of iOS music making in its new documentary

Jakob Haq has published on its YouTube channel haQ attaQ a new documentary that summarises the evolution of the iOS music-making platform from 2007 to 2021.  An iPhone or iPad for making music is still [...] The post haQ attaQ looks back on 14 years o...

Synth RadarAuv3Haq AttaqIosIos Music AppsJakob HaqMobile MusicianMusic Making IosSynth RadarYoutube
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags AGONIZER, A Big Bass Synth For iOS From Jakob “haQ attaQ” Haq

AGONIZER, A Big Bass Synth For iOS From Jakob “haQ attaQ” Haq

With Agonizer, YouTuber Jakob “haQ attaQ Haq“ has published his first designed Synthesizer app for iOS in collaboration with Numerical Audio. For many readers and viewers, the job of journalists and YouTubers sounds like a dream. [...] The post AG...

IosNewsSoftwareAgonizerAuv3Auv3 SynthesizerBass SynthesizerHaq AttaqJakob “haq Attaq” HaqJakob HaqNumerical AudioNumerical Audio AgonizerSynthesizer